If I Was Starting Today
Never give up on learning how to live the most comfortable, functional and vibrant life. It’s so worth it.
Feeling Fit is Ageless
Sickness does not have to be the normal result of increasing life expectancy, maturity, knowledge and experience.
Fasting: The Ultimate Immunity Booster
Can you think of a more important reason to work on fasting than to improve your ability to stay healthy?
Take a Chance on Me
Trusting me and the process takes some faith in the new information I share and a strong desire to improve yourself.
It’s Time for the Truth
When we stop eating (for a period of time), we let our bodies do the things they were created to do: keep us alive AND thriving.
Does Food Quality Make a Difference? — TEST RESULTS
We ALL know this, but experiencing the difference makes us willing to change.
The Magic of March
The Magic of March represents our own ability to be better than we are now, believing that we can create something new and interesting and beautiful.
The Reason Fasting Will Work for YOU when Dieting won’t
Living in a healthy, pain-free, disease-resistant, energetic, satisfied body will be a reality for you. The only thing you need is your willingness to start.
Dreaming a Dream for You
Having hope for a good future is like fertilizer for those little dream seeds that we sow into the ground of our hearts.
Why Exercise is Crucial to Life
Here is what exercise will do for us that is vital to living well: it makes our muscle cells more capable of using and storing sugar.