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Why You Need Formula3 Teams

Teams by definition and association are also called groups, squads, gangs, side-band, bunch, troupe, core, cadre, posse, to form an alliance, cooperate or band together. As a wordsmith, these resonate so acutely in my heart for Formula3.

This program was born in me out of desperation to feel better and find a way to avoid feeling worse in the future. Especially after years of over-exercising, hormone changes in my 40’s, and thinking I could earn a well aged body because I’d always done what the conventional fitness authorities told me.

What I researched and studied from books/podcasts/research/classes/doctors/biohackers/nutritionists/biochemists, and then created, is a step-by-step process to work WITH your body to function as we age and heal from the past. I know that’s not a sexy selling point like the before and after pictures or the rapid weight loss with no effort or exercise, but if the reality of wanting to feel well, function well (as well as feel aesthetically pleasing) resonates with you, then keep reading.

Feeling and looking healthy is a worthwhile pursuit because healthy people live longer, fuller lives. Period.

How many times have we read stories of tragic deaths of young people and felt great regret for that person because they are unable to fulfill their destiny? We KNOW life is to be lived and if your body can’t function well, you aren’t truly living.

Wanting a healthy body doesn’t mean you’re shallow, self-centered and without empathy for others. A healthy body FEELS good. As contrary as that may be in our current social culture, it is an undeniable truth.

Otherwise, why would the weight loss industry be so profitable? Why are weight loss drugs flying off the shelves so quickly that insurance companies refuse to pay for them? Why don’t we just indulge every whim of appetites without abandon? Why does every doctor prescribe weight loss if you happen to have joint pain, heart disease and memory problems? Why do we do everything we can to heal when we get sick?


Believe it or not, feeling unwell usually starts so gradually that we’re not aware of it’s affront. This is why so much education needs to be done to learn how our physiology responds to dis-ease.

According to this March 29, 2023 Harvard Medical publication “The four horsemen of the medical apocalypse — coronary artery disease, diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer's — may be riding the same steed: inflammation.”

More often than not, feeling poorly begins with inflammation because that is our bodies first line of defense. We need inflammation to heal, just like we need rest, food and drink. But as you’ve heard more times than you can count, too much inflammation and we’re not good. Chronic inflammation, like chronic stress, leads to poor outcomes every time.

But we now also know that we can, in large part, prevent most chronic inflammation through our lifestyle; our daily habits determine how well we live.

This is such good news. But it’s also a big responsibility because it requires making constant decisions until it becomes an innate habit and no excuses make sense. At first, doing something that goes against what you like or what you’ve always done, is TOUGH. But, each successive time, it gets easier, just like riding the proverbial bike. Once you learn it, it’s in there.

So if most of us have likely heard that what we do with our physical health is important, simple, inexpensive and only creates a positive outcome, when are we going to take the lead and make positive lifestyle habits innate? I say, now.

You may be thinking, how do I do that or you may have tried already! In fact, I bet you’ve done a lot of things in an attempt to be healthier. Most adults do. But very few, like 10-12%, actually make good habits stick.

I have a solution to the problem of chronic inflammation, unhealthy lifestyle habits and how to sustain these new behaviors until you don’t need me anymore. How? I’m glad you asked.

Formula3 Teams is just like Formula3, ONLY DIFFERENT. You get more support, accountability and strategies because you’re doing it with other women, and not just me. Teams was created to help more women make lasting changes faster because women help other women so well.

Every time we start new things, we get an emotional charge. We have energy and enthusiasm and we hope and pray that this will be the time that the promise is delivered. When you join a cadre to cooperate and support each other, you have extra buy-in. Your dopamine receptors are firing on full cylinders and that connection, even when it’s with strangers, makes an intangible but tactical difference in your effort to improve.

Most of my clients have told me several times, “It’s not that I don’t know what to do, I just have trouble doing it.”

Well, trouble no longer has to win because Formula3 Teams give you the structure and support to understand HOW to change along with the accountability and friendship to WANT to change. It’s such a winning combination.

While 1:1 coaching is very specific and customized (and some women want that more than a group), the benefits of a cooperative alliance CANNOT be denied, especially for women. We need each other in our lives to relate to and learn from. It’s one of the biggest reasons why nearby extended families can be so powerful. It’s why girlfriends like to do trips together. It’s why mothers and daughters experience a unique bond that’s different than with sons. Women thrive in each other’s company.

Formula3 Teams is a collection of women with similar goals and aspirations to learn how to feel better and stay well. It is without criticism and showmanship; there’s no ego that gets invited. We’re all on the same side and want the best for each other. The extra bonus is that we get to learn from each other’s challenges without having to go through each one ourselves, and although we are all unique, we share A LOT of the same struggles.

We use tools like meal timing, movement, strength training, stress management, sleep hacks, food order and hydration. These habits lower inflammation and all it’s related side effects so that our physiology functions beautifully. This system improves disease markers, insulin resistance or pre-diabetes, digestion, hormone imbalances, weight loss resistance and lethargy. We discover how to work with our bodies to find our best habits so that we don’t have to keep thinking about ourselves. We can actually spend our energy and time on more important details of our lives, like living out our destiny.

In my mind, one of the best parts about Formula3 Teams is that you can still join at any time; there’s no start date because when we have women at various stages of the 12 week process, the alliance gets even deeper and more interesting. There will be women who have started earlier and changed more who can help you feel valued and appreciated at your particular stage of growth. There will also be women behind you who you can encourage and support. This variety creates a stronger growth process.

Our weekly coaching call will be recorded, but the most important step is that you commit to doing whatever it takes to be involved. Commit to changing your routines and schedules and habits. Commit to making yourself a priority so that you can better serve your family, friends and work life. Commit to being the best version of yourself.

I’m excited to help you. If you’re struggling to trust yourself enough to start the process, you can trust me until you get to the point where you believe in yourself again. I promise it will happen!

All you need is to reach out to me below or if you received this through email, reply back. Starting is simple and painless. Let’s do it.